24-Hour Attendance Line: 425.408.4410.
Please call if your child is tardy or absent.
Arrival and Dismissal
8:50 a.m. Students may arrive on campus
9:00 a.m. Welcome Bell
9:05 a.m. School Begins*
3:35 p.m. Dismissal
2:05 p.m. Wednesday Early Release
*Students arriving at, or after, 9:05a.m. must check in at the office and get a pass before going to class.
Save the Dates!
3/13 -3/17 - PTA Play Rehearsal
3/15 - ASB Meeting
3/18 - PTA Play 3:00 & 5:30 at ER
3/20-30 - ASB Pet Drive
3/22 - Yearbook Orders Due
Mental Health Support
Need Mental Health Support? You are not alone. There are community supports for mental health, suicide prevention, substance abuse, self harm, and more.
Music Corner
Check out Miss Shuford’s Music Newsletter! Here you will find information about upcoming performances, videos of student performances, and information about what your student is learning!
ASB Pet Drive
East Ridge ASB will be collecting items for Homeward Pets in Woodinville. Students can bring collected goods to their classroom foyer.
Thank you for your support!
Kindergarten Registration Is Now Open!
Kindergarten registration for fall has opened. Please register your student ASAP and encourage your friends and neighbors who have kindergarten-age children to register. The earlier families register, the earlier we can secure the number of kindergarten teachers we need!
Registration is online at: https://www.nsd.org/schools/get-started/enrollment.
To enter kindergarten, your student must be five years old on or before August 31, 2023. If you have questions, please call the office at 425.408.4400.
East Ridge will host a virtual Kindergarten Information Night in May.
COVID Communication
The Department of Health (DOH) requires schools to inform families and students about COVID-19 case numbers and potential outbreaks. Last week, there were no confirmed cases at our school. The accuracy of our data depends on self-reporting. Thank you for continuing to let the school know if your child tests positive for COVID-19. To view additional information, including school and district trends visit the District’s COVID-19 data dashboard. The dashboard is updated weekly on Monday evenings.
If your child is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 keep them home and test for COVID-19. Families can order free COVID-19 tests from the state. Together, we can keep our schools healthy and safe.
Sunshine Slips
Congratulations to the following students who have been caught demonstrating our East Ridge Expectation Pillars: Being Kind, Being Respectful, Being Responsible, and Being Safe.
This week's sunshine slip winners are:
Brody in Ms. Fawsett’s Class
Mason in Ms. Fawsett’s Class
Nolan in Mrs.Oliver’s Class
Charlie in Mrs. Loke’s Class
Elena in Ms. Dicken’s Class
William in Mrs. Morris’ Class
Barclay in Mrs. Ratliff’s Class
Hudson in Mrs. Moore’s Class
Dominic in Mrs. Hill’s Class
Amelia’s in Mrs. Hager’s Class
This week’s Best Bus Line goes to: Bus 305, the Goldfish bus!
Spirit Day: Everything but a Backpack Day
3/20 - 30: Pet Food Drive benefiting Homeward Pets in Woodinville
Meetings- 2:05 - 2:40
3/15, 4/5, 4/26
REMINDER - Volunteering
If you are interested in volunteering at East Ridge, you must fill out the district volunteer application.
WHS My First Formal Dance
You are invited to Woodinville High School's My First Formal Dance: “Through the Looking- Glass: Alice in Wonderland”.
Date: Saturday, March 25, 2023 Time: 6:00-8:00pm
Place: Woodinville High School, 19819 136th Ave NE, Woodinville
Tickets: We recommend pre-registering HERE
Please email myfirstformal@gmail.com with any questions. Thank you!
Frequently Used Links
Daily Lunch Picture Menu
Paying for Meals Online - Titan
Family Handbook: All You Need to Know about East Ridge!
COVID Flowchart
Pre-arranged Absence Form
East Ridge Elementary Website
Northshore School District Calendar for 22-23
East Ridge PTA Newsletter Information Below...
The mission of East Ridge Elementary PTA is to enrich, encourage, and enlighten. We do this by providing a wide spectrum of educational programs and a network of support for our students and staff. To learn more, join, or donate, click the link: https://eastridgepta.org/
Math Challenge
Math Challenge is a FREE optional Math Enrichment program open to ALL STUDENTS, K-5th grade!
Thank you to everyone that entered Math Challenge 10. The top responses for this challenge can be found below and will receive a small prize via their classroom teacher:
Iselin S. - 2nd, Oliver
Math Challenge 11 is available now and due March 16th by 3pm. For more information click on the link: https://tinyurl.com/2ru3cmhr
So come on and give it a try!
Information on ice skating can be found here: https://bondsports.co/activity/programs/CO_ED-adult-ICE_SKATING/1782/season/Private%20Fundraising%20-%20Eastridge%20Elementary%20School/13889
Yearbook Orders
It's time to order your yearbooks! There are a lot of great things happening at East Ridge this year! Buy your yearbook now and savor the memories. Prices are still $16 this year and personalization is no longer an option.
Order yours today!: https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/1131324/East-Ridge-Elementary-School/2023-Yearbook/20230130121515040105/CATALOG_SHOP/
Looking for More Information?
See our past newsletters for information about:
Virtual Tour
...and much more!